Noragami Aragoto Season 2: YATTY BACK

Tonight, we honor the hero.


One of the freshest shows: Noragami is back with a second season called Noragami: Aragoto and thank god at least half of it was dubbed (dubs over sub almost every day of the week(sorry I love my mother tongue))

Following the tale of Yato and his pursuit of the greater good; fame, fortune, woman, and maybe a shrine or two along the way, Yato gets into in all kinds of trouble this time around. Equipped with his lethal regalia Yukine and side/main chick Hiyori, what could possibly go wrong, am I right?

Let’s get to it now, shall we?noragami 22.png

Starting off with what obviously came first. Your standard japanese anime soundtrack. Once again the creators of Noragami have struck gold and pull through with a song that piques your interest from the get-go, although I still prefer Goya no Machiawase, the new theme song Kyouran Hey Kids is no slouch, the same high octane rush that I associate with Noragami is once again encompassed in Aragoto as well.

Now as for the story, I for one, am extremely glad that the creators are following the manga faithfully, I absolutely detest when anime’s decide to suddenly veer off from the original source material which results in some shoddy, bizarre anime only ending that leaves everyone feeling like the way your girl feels every other night : UNSATISFIED. It usually results in pissing me off and forcing me to check out the manga from where the anime leaves off which is what I suppose is the creators intent, NONETHELESS it absolutely pisses me.

I honestly believe that the storytelling in this season surpasses the previous one. Mysterious details about the oh-so-foggy past of Yato are revealed, as well as the main conflict between him and Bishamon , which happens to be the main story of the first arc in this season (btw I know I’m late but Bishamon is smoking hot, I like her better outside of that weird Hitler Dominatrix outfit she likes fighting in. We also get a broader view of the Noragami world and other deities and beings residing within it.

This season takes a look at the past of our God of Calamity Yato. Delving into the mysterious conflict between him and Bishamon, how Yato truly came to be, associates from the past, the heavens and the conflicts between other deities as well.  Aragato, wonderfully exposes us to the Noragami universe and introduces a social hierarchy for gods and shows the rules/expectations that they are bound/not bound by.

The storytelling was lovely this time around, one of the biggest indicators of a good show to me is that I don’t even realized when I’ve reached the last episode. There were literally zero down points throughout the show, it starts off full blast and does not ease off the throttle.  It cleans up some of the minor discrepancies from season one while addressing the unknown details of Yato’s past as well. It also furthers clarifies Yato’s main objective and purpose, how he wishes to defect and detach himself from his tainted past and other various details. Very well done.

One of the must gut-wrenching scenes to me in Aragoto was when Bishamon just breaks down and begins to cry. It was literally bone-chilling, goosebump inducing crying. Emotional buildup was just simply flowing out and I give them an A+ for the execution.

Not that scene that I’m referring to, but nonetheless the scene below is quite touching as well.

just look at her go

Character Analysis


Still the bum that he is, residing in trash cans and bumming off of Kofuku. However this season showed more of Yato’s soft side, when Yato receives his shrine, he portrays this tender and emotionalism, you could even say a sort of humbleness that was previously unknown to viewers. Yato goes through significant character development, showing quite human-like desires in the pursuit to change himself, showing that he anything but your average God of Calamity. Nothing but praise to the man who try’s changing himself for self betterment/woman he loves.


Goes through his own transformation as well, a physical as well as development. Yukine is like a teen who’s gotten his first job and has actually gotten quite good at it. He also shown to better cope with his feelings of being dead and shows active interest and responsibility in trying to fulfill the role of Yato’s regalia.

ya boy Yukine clutch

All in all however I believe the star of this season would have to be Bisha


She does it all this season, from amazing battles to emotional build up, Bishamon stole the limelight and shows what it means to be a Goddess of War. This season emotionally dissected Bishamon while at the same time portrayed her as a bad ass war goddess that has a very tender heart, in which she’s almost a foster mother of sort. Also takes a way closer look at the relationship between her and her regalias. Did I forget to mention how hot she looks while doing this.? I mean what the hell?!.

we found this gif when looking up the word Badass

We have our deity Ebisu a close runner up, I loved the whole bit about him rediscovering his will to live, just … amazing and how he becomes a catalyst of sorts for Yato.

All in all, Noragami had a strong follow up with Aragoto surpassing the work of its predecessor. I was hard pressed to find any actual blatant flaws in this show, yes I know Hiyori had more of a damsel of distress role but that was to be expected, I mean did you actually expect her to face other deities head on? (the crippler cross face only takes you so far). The show furthered it’s plot, amazing character development which was the highlight of this season to me, along with gorgeous animation, sounds and battle sequences. Not much left more for me to ask for.

Except for more Bishamon, we can always have more Bishamon.

LOOK AT HER, its almost unfair

I applaud you Noramai: Aragoto

Random Gif because I thought it was cool


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